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张省锟1934—)笔名雪澄,江苏省苏州市人。南通市群众艺术馆高级美术师,南通美术院、普門书画院高级画师,江苏省美术家协会会员、香港美术家协会会员、中国国画家协会会员。擅长中国山水画、版画、钢笔画。画风兼工带写,墨彩并重,常以中国传统绘画技法与西洋绘画技巧相结合,不断探索创新,并善于从大自然中得到的感受以诗一般的情趣再现,作品清新秀丽,雅俗共赏,意境深幽富有江南生活情趣。作品曾被“中国对外文委”多次选送出国参展。作品流传美、欧、日、韩、港澳、台湾、 东南亚等地,深得国内外艺术爱好者喜爱和珍藏。常有作品在省以上各种展览中展出,部分作品被美术馆收藏。近年来曾在中国人民解放军“戎艺杯”全国书画大奖赛、“牡丹杯”国际书画等大赛中获奖。党的十八大後,先後有数拾幅国画作品被國家邮政总局及相关方面用作“建设美丽中国”邮票、“中国传世名家名作专题邮票”、“中国人民抗日战争暨世界反法西斯战争胜利70周年”邮票、2015年美国邮政发行的“庆祝中美建交36周年邮票”等明信片、电话卡所选用。辞条载入《中国当代美术家人名录》、《中国现代美术家人名大辞典》、《中国当代艺术界名人录(第二卷)》、 《中华人物辞海》等辞书。

Zhang Shengkun (1934 -) under the name of snow in Jiangsu Province Cheng, Suzhou city. Nantong City Museum of art and the masses of senior artist, Nantong Institute of fine arts, the calligraphy and painting senior painter, Jiangsu Province Artists Association, member of Hong Kong Artists Association, Chinese Artist Asso­ciation member. Specializes in Chinese landscape paintings, prints, ink painting. Reproduction in poetic style and work with writing, both ink and color, often in Chinese traditional painting techniques and Western painting skills combined, continuous exploration and innovation, and be good at from nature feel taste, fresh and beauti­ful works suit both refined and popular tastes, artistic conception is deep and quiet rich Jiangnan delight of life. His works have been repeatedly selected Chinese foreign CHC overseas exhibitors. Works spread the United States, Europe, Japan, South Korea, Hong Kong and Macao, Taiwan, Southeast Asia and other places, the deep and domestic and foreign art lovers love and treasure. Often works in the province of more than a variety of exhibitions, some of the works by art museum. In recent years, was in the Chinese peoples Liberation Army “Rongyi Cup national calligraphy and painting Grand Prix, “Peony Cup international calligraphy and painting competition awards. The party's eighteen, has several ten paintings by State Postal Bureau and used as building beautiful China” stamp, “China ancient masterpieces special stamps”,“mark the 70th anniversary of the victory of the Chinese peoples Anti Japanese War and the world anti fascist war”stamps, by 2015 the United States Postal Service issued the “celebration since the establishment of diplomatic relations 36 anniversary commemo­rative stamps and postcards, phone card selected. Lexicon load the list of Chinese contemporary artists, the Grand Dictionary of Chinese modern artists names, the Chinese contemporary art circles celebrities recorded (the second volume) ”,“the Chinese Characters Dictionary and other dictionaries.

